Personality complexES

Online mits4you
4 min readFeb 8, 2021

Personality complex of new era

Complex is not only a feeling of inferiority, but also a feeling of superiority, but these two feelings are two corners of the same branch.
The basis of any complex is to compare its outward or inward features with the characteristics of others. At the level of subconscious it does not matter which corner of the branch of the complex you are sitting on and it does not matter. Whether you express your complex in front of people or mutter in solitude. There is no need to prove that your sense of inferiority or superiority leads to hatred or jealousy with others.
No matter who you are, it is up to you to compare your personality with others. In any case, the balance of your personality will be disturbed. The basis of comparing yourself with others is to make people realize your importance. Also try nothing more than illusions.
In an effort to assert your importance in the eyes of others, all your energies are expended in building an artificial air fortress. Which cannot withstand even the slightest gust of wind, on the contrary, self-confidence is your real ability. Brings up
If a person spends all his energies for using his inner abilities with self-confidence. He will move forward, but if the same energy is being expended in an artificial attempt to hide his complex, then the car stuck in the mud. You will keep moving in the same place like tires.
We have become accustomed to the fact that unpleasant events are a part of life. And these events are inevitable while living in this world but in reality all such worries are the result of imbalance in the personality of the individual or the people around him. To avoid spending your energy on building artificial forts will keep the balance of the personality and minimize the chances of spoilage. The sub-point to remember is that sometimes we try to improve the interests of others. Are hurting and the consequences of this move are usually negative
A person with a sense of inferiority tries to exaggerate his inner qualities, which are less in his eyes. Which leaves the true color of your personality behind, resulting in that inferiority becoming more apparent. Reveals what you are trying to hide
For example, the sudden outburst of a teenager over a small disagreement is in fact an artificial attempt to hide his cowardice. Sometimes a very shameless and despicable act from a naturally shy person in an attempt to hide his inner shyness. It can also happen.
Whatever the case, the fact is that the complex itself is not as harmful as the artificial attempt to cover it up.
Struggling with any kind of complex is useless, but such struggle is even more painful, the only solution is to get rid of the complex from your personality which is not so easy.
Keep in mind that others value your shortcomings as much as you do yourself. Because each person’s interest is in his or her own personality and not yours. So don’t put any such complex on your weak shoulders. Forget it, forget that people are more interested in your personality than in themselves.

Instead of fighting the feeling of inferiority inside you, compensate it with other qualities. Appearance and attractiveness of personality are two different things. The beauty of the eyes, nose or cheeks in every way. It does not guarantee that a person is attractive. And on the contrary, sometimes people with the right image are also attractive. Even if you are not beautiful, you can be attractive. For this, it is necessary to express your true personality, as well as physical imperfections. To be compensated with, there are thousands of examples in history where physically ugly or emaciated people were as strong and determined as a rock and such people achieved extraordinary success in life.

If you can’t speak well, that is, if you don’t speak well, you can be a good listener. According to an English idiom, everyone lies, but it doesn’t hurt because no one is listening, a good listener. He has more magnetism in his personality than a good speaker.
Shy people should understand that shyness has an attraction of evil within itself, by hiding it with an artificial effort you are causing disturbance in the balance of your caste.
Trying to be like others is nothing more than a ridiculous parody.

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